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7 ways to make water taste 10x as Great


You may have heard people around you or your doctor/physician keep announcing how important it is for your body to have a certain amount of water intake a day. Maybe The problem is is that you just aren't a fan of the plain simple water and love sugary favorable and unhealthy drinks like soda. Well there are different ways to get your daily hydration by spicing up and turning your water into something great, delicious and healthy. Continue on this post and find out the 7 fantastic tips to make your water taste 10x more amazing and gain a new refreshing adventure for your taste buds

1. Have you Ever considered adding fruit into Your water

Whenever you decide to pour a nice refreshing glass Of water you should think twice before drinking it as is after learning this method.

Citrus fruits such as limes, lemons and oranges are classical fruits to use but others can tempt your taste buds too.

So whenever you are super thirsty and just Want to try something new with your icy cold glass or bottle of water. ADD Fruit( preferably crushed) to enhance your H20 with the fresh irresistible natural sweet Flavors, it will taste 10 times as better. ( I PROMISE it will )

2.Why not Try seltzer/carbonated water

Yeah i know, sometimes you just hate old plain/flat water. You prefer that fizzy soda like water. Because sometimes I do too. And also one of the good things about seltzer water is that it has 0 calories, 0 sugar, 0 salt and pretty much 0 of everything. And to say that Carbonated water is so taste bud soothing as well.

Most carbonated water in markets come in different flavors, other than just plain fizzy water. And they provide most of the H20 benefits as any other plain water. And to make note that they are several times healthier than soda and taste just as good.

You can also add the famous techniques of some of the other ways of making water taste great to your seltzer water such as the fruit from the last idea and the soon idea, flavored iced cubes.

3. Base the water with juice

Adding a little juice can be a great base for

A nice cup of water. it will create an amazing juicy delicious and flavorful beverage. To really exercise a healthy diet, it is encouraged to use sugar free juices with natural sweetener instead.

Always remember that The juice will not only

Taste great but it contains antioxidants and vitamins that are so

Beneficial to your health

4. Use Ice Cubes, with creativity

Most People typically enjoy their Water a lot better when they add ice cubes because no one wants warm room temperature water on a hot day.

But instead of just regular ice cubes try flavored ice cubes.

You can use a variety of different

flavors such as berry, lemon,

Cherry, and mango, etc. Then you

Freeze the fruit into water making a fruity tasty cube and then throw a couple of Those into your glass of water . Also consider mint, tea, coffee or cucumber ice cubes.Those flavors will also

Taste interesting. If you want to be even more creative, use different shaped iced cubes such as stars, circles or even an animal to enjoy it even better.

5. Drink Tea varieties



Clear reasons why many might prefer green, red, and white tea over regular dark tea is the fact that they essentially contain NO CAFFEINE.

The lighter herbal natural teas are much more healthier.

Those teas can not only help you enjoy a drink but also get the H20 benefits you need.


It is encouraged to try out the many varieties of tea from around the world to enhance your cup of water. Some may sound or seem wild but it may just be absolutely life changing delicious.

6. The popular Cucumbers in Water

All over the world for many decades cucumbers have been drunk in water, At spas, health clubs and more. Cucumbers give a beautiful look to a fresh glass of water and it has great health benefits. Cucumber water is also very tasty. It creates a great heaven in the mouth sensation to your taste buds. Everyone should try this if you have not. Some people have great recipes based on cucumber water techniques.

7. Amazingly healthy delicious Apple cinnamon water

Very popular and beneficial, Apple cinnamon water Recipes Have been used by millions and is so very tasty.

it is simple to make just by Adding slices of apple to water and place a cinnamon stick or 2 in it. Let it

Sit and spread flavors and then enjoy.

Make sure to Don’t dare forget to Research what this simple awesomeness can do for you health wise.


These 7 ideas are one of the most common water boosting techniques.

And If you have never tried these techniques you should really consider them especially if you are anxious for a new adventure.


Hopefully one of these techniques will change your daily hydration routine.

The next time you decide to pour a refreshing glass of water, flashback to this Post and open your mind of H20 use to a wide imagination and a new grand adventure.

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